This is the little girl my family and I have come to love!
So many people ask us why? Why would you adopt? Why would you go through all the trouble?
The truth is.....
We don't really know why, but God has laid it on our hearts.....
Here is a little girl, and we are a family.
So why not?
She needs us, and God has appointed that we need her!
It will be a long journey of faith, that won't end the day we bring her home, in some ways that will only be the very beginning. It won't be easy, our whole family will have to give of themselves to make this little girl part of our family. But it is a calling from God, we are embracing.
I will go back home in one month, but a part of my heart will be staying with this little girl. She doesn't know that I will be her sister, she doesn't know that she has a family waiting for her. She only knows that she is an orphan, and she is still praying for her family.
She only knows that I am a volunteer at the orphanage. But my heart bursts because I know so much more!
She teaches me Spanish, and I teach her English. The Lord know how much both of us to need to learn it!
If there ever was a doubt in my heart that she was to be my sister, it would have all diminished with this hug and kiss. But I am so blessed, my family doesn't have the opportunity to know her, before she becomes one of us. But they pray and wait for the day, when this little girl after over 8 years of waiting finally meets her family.....and to her surprise will recognize one of her sisters.
This is a huge calling that God knows we can't do on our own! But we know that God is capable of doing this. So we ask you to join us in praying for this little girl as she waits, our family as we work on the adoption, and pray that God would provide miraculously the funds to bring our little miss "A" home!
So encouraged to read your blog and your mission and having met Briana in person while we were in Ecuador was also such a privilige, she is a great young lady! May God bless you as you work to bring little A home! She is a joy to be around, full of smiles and life, so glad she will have a forever family!!