Friday, November 22, 2013

We are waiting.....


That is what we have been doing for a few weeks now, or should I say since January.  
It has been rather interesting, things will go really fast that we can hardly keep up and then slow down to the point that we are not sure anything is ever going to happen. You feel so helpless.  The Lord has surely taught me much about patience and waiting on him.  We have seen the Lord do so many amazing things this past year.  We have seen our adoption account go from $500.00 to $26,000 in 9 short months and the Lord did it all he has blessed us over and over again.  So continue to hold us in your prayers, And keep our sweet girl in your prayers as she continues to wait, hope, and pray for a forever family to come and get her and bring her home. Pray for the people in charge (in Ecuador) as they do not even understand what these children and families are going through, and that they will soon assign this little girl to come home.