Saturday, March 30, 2013

This Girl

She has changed my life, and made me fall in love with her in 3 short months...
She has changed my families life, they will never be the same, and they have not even met her yet.
Its definitely one of my favorite times of the day when I go and see her...
She is always busy, and always smiling....
She loves to braid hair, dance, sing, and get into mischief.....
 I love her hair! It just matches her personality....
I love watching her, being with her, talking to her and getting to know her....
I am so honored to know this amazing little girl! I can't wait for my family to meet her, and for the day they get to tell this little girl that she does have a family! The family she has been waiting and praying for....Can it be? Will we really be hers? Will she really be ours? God says, Nothings is impossible with those who believe....

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Home Study Here We Come

We have started the first official step and that is the Home Study, it will take approximately three months to complete and cost about $4000. First we fill out paper work, then they come and meet our family and access our home, we have to do finger printing, educational classes on adoption, and immigration.

Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. 1 Corinthians 16:13

Today I received the  paper work, not too bad, but once you start reading it and seeing all the things you have to do.  And the cost to get them all done.  You feel as can never happen or do I really want to put our family through all this?  I put it away and will look at it on Monday and see what I can do, one day at a time. Once again my verse comes to me, With God nothing is impossible Luke 18:27

But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

I think that verse will forever be a part of my life after this, as I realize how much God does for me everyday.

So, we have to half about half the money before they will come out, so that is what we are working on that first step.  When you work on it just one little step at a time it is not so overwhelming. It is a huge process, that all takes time, so we are trying to focus on today and do what we can, each day. We are so thankful for all of the prayers and encouragement that we have received from so many of you! We could not do this on our own.

This is our house the day we called and said ok we are ready for this, (ready as we can be).  What will our house look like when we are done (season wise)? Keep following as I am sure it will be an interesting journey of faith.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Pampered Chef Fundraiser

It is amazing to see how God is putting so many pieces together. We are only in the beginning and have a long way to go, but God is strengthening our faith already! We truly know that all things are possible with God, but we still don't know how He is going to make the possible.

We have started our very first fundraiser, and we are excited to see how it will go! We are having an online Pampered Chef party through a friend. If you have any questions you can leave a comment below or contact us. Please feel free to share this with anyone!

Here's how you can help:
1. Book a cooking, catalog, or fundraiser show to earn an extra donation to the fund!
a. Contact Caitlin to book a show or get details.
2. Order some awesome new kitchen tools to earn a donation to the fund! To order:
a. Go to
b. Click 'Shop Online'
c. Type in 'Elizabeth Velie'
d. Start shopping! :)

If you are in the area shipping is $5.25 to have it shipped to host (Elizabeth).
If you are not in the area shipping is as follows:
Order Value:.....Base Rate:
up to $19.99.......$7.25
$20 to $29.99......$8.00
$30 to $39.99......$9.00
$40 to $49.99......$10.25
$50 to $64.99......$11.50
$65 to $129.99.....$15.25
$130 and over........11%

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Little miss "A"

This is the little girl my family and I have come to love!
So many people ask us why? Why would you adopt? Why would you go through all the trouble?
The truth is.....
We don't really know why, but God has laid it on our hearts.....
Here is a little girl, and we are a family.
So why not?
She needs us, and God has appointed that we need her!
It will be a long journey of faith, that won't end the day we bring her home, in some ways that will only be the very beginning. It won't be easy, our whole family will have to give of themselves to make this little girl part of our family. But it is a calling from God, we are embracing.

I will go back home in one month, but a part of my heart will be staying with this little girl. She doesn't know that I will be her sister, she doesn't know that she has a family waiting for her. She only knows that she is an orphan, and she is still praying for her family.

She only knows that I am a volunteer at the orphanage. But my heart bursts because I know so much more!

She teaches me Spanish, and I teach her English. The Lord know how much both of us to need to learn it!

If there ever was a doubt in my heart that she was to be my sister, it would have all diminished with this hug and kiss. But I am so blessed, my family doesn't have the opportunity to know her, before she becomes one of us. But they pray and wait for the day, when this little girl after over 8 years of waiting finally meets her family.....and to her surprise will recognize one of her sisters.

This is a huge calling that God knows we can't do on our own! But we know that God is capable of doing this. So we ask you to join us in praying for this little girl as she waits, our family as we work on the adoption, and pray that God would provide miraculously the funds to bring our little miss "A"   home!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Slow & Steady

This week was a test of my patience, not much was going on and every time I  turned around I was more discouraged. I found myself frustrated, wondering, and doubting.  But daily the Lord would give me one little reminder that would assure me this is what he wants us to do.  About the middle of the week, I think some of the kids realized that mom was really stressed out and I was given this note.....

    Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:22

Friday brought on a whole new outlook, Kevin and I  are ready to keep stepping out in faith as the Lord leads us.  We also found our home study agency and we are looking forward to see what the next week has in store.

Friday, March 1, 2013


Brethren, pray for us. 1 Thessalonians 5:25

Adoption is a long, slow process......

Please pray for us as we start this journey, we are so excited!! But we know the road will be hard and test our faith.

Finally, Brethren, pray for us that the Word of the Lord, may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you. 1 Thessalonians 3:1

~We have started to share our news with family and friends.....

~The more we share, the more people are responding with prayer and sharing our story and our plea for help.

~We have started raising the funds that we need....

~We are getting ready for our first fundraiser.... we will keep you posted! (Brianna is really excited!! :)

~We have found an agency to do the home study through, a process that will take approximately 3 months. We are waiting for Gods time to begin!

Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!  Psalm 27:14.