Monday, February 18, 2013

Let the fundraising begin!!

Family & Friends

We would like to ask for your support in this giant step in faith.

I will start with me the weaker vessel (1 Pet. 3:11) and I am weak.  For the past six years or so the Lord has laid on my heart the desire for more children, but because of health issues that is impossible!  And time goes on and so does this battle within, praise the Lord he is there at all times, leading, guiding and holding my hand as I continue to pray for his direction in my life.  The Lord has now blessed us with four grandsons to help fill that void, but still the Lord continues to lay on my heart that burden.

Now on the other hand you’ve got Kevin, who loves the Lord with all his heart and wants to serve the Lord, but feels he is falling way to short.  His prayer is that of Isaiah 6:8 Here I am Lord send me.  Not knowing for certain if he is serving all that he should or could.

That brings me to the here and now.  As our daughter prepared for a mission trip we were so excited to see what the Lord has in store for her.  Little did we know we were also part of that plan?  She randomly sends me a note.  Mom, you guys should adopt….  Wow!  It all of a sudden becomes real like never before.  We are all thinking (everyone) cute, small young child.  Brianna says this eight year old.  As I begin to look into it I realize this is impossible. Once again Brianna sends me a message about our God is a God of the impossible.  Luke 1:37 “For with God nothing is impossible” and Luke 18:27 “The things that are impossible with men are possible with God.  So we continue on…. And verses like James 1:27 to visit the fatherless, and Psalm 10:14 Thou hast been the helper of the orphan.  So now we are really feeling this is a mission.  So we look further and find out this little girl is not wanted because she is Afro Ecuadorian.  I ask myself is that what I want?  Kevin tells me; maybe this is what God is telling you he wants.  The Lord continues to lay her on our heart, daily we pray.  We come to find out that she is not even supposed to be at this house, but the older children one and had been recently sent back to the younger one where Brianna is.

The Lord is leading and guiding every step of the way.  The hardest part to overcome is the financial part.  We are asking for your support to help us reach our financial goals in this mission, once we reach that goal we will have to be in Ecuador for approximately one month and will be able to work and serve the Lord in the orphanages while we are there.  So in the long term we are looking at around $30,000. This includes the home study, the adoption, travel, as well as our support while we are there.   We are also looking into getting some grants.    

      Once again we ask for your help in this work both financially and in prayer.  Help make the impossible… possible.

In His name,

Kevin & Elizabeth

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