Fundraising... I have many thoughts on this.
I remember when the children used to go to a christian school and when the girls were in Girl Scouts and we had to do fundraising for these things. It was a lot of work, but fun at the same time trying to raise money to help support the things that were important to us.
I was actually glad about not having to do that anymore when we decided to home school, I have not missed it one bit.
Now, many years later and still home schooling I am back at fundraising. As I talk with other families that have already adopted and some have done fundraising. They say how hard it is and humbling to ask people for money to help support you in this journey you have decided to take.
Oh how true that is! So many times I don't want to ask, and worry what they might think or say. Or, just quit altogether and just wait for God to give us all the money without us working or trying to do our part. I feel the Lord leading each and every step of the way as people contact us with ideas or fundraisers they are doing for us. How can I just sit? After we seen this families efforts to help.
(We have never met, or talked)
Our family pulled together for the long road that lay ahead and started planning our fundraising plan. You should of heard some of the ideas that started coming out. It was getting late and a little silly. So two fundraisers behind us and one currently running all summer we are ready for the long haul, so please bear with us. Since I started this post we have had a few more fundraisers and have a few currently running. We are approximately 1/3 of the way to meet our needs. This is totally a family affair, we all our joining in as well as our church family.
The on going home made candy bar sales
There are new flavors added, so check it out!
Brianna squeezes in a new batch before or after work.
She has lots of helpers
and volunteers.
Thrift sale bake sale at the Quinells
Thank you Pat for the syrup.
Thrift sale bake sale at our house
Getting ready for a sale at Jeremy's
Even Caleb is trying to help bring home his new Auntie.
Coming up this summer are still a few more bake sales, thrift sales( as we continue to get in donations for items to sell), recycling cans, Taste of Louisiana Dinner along with raffle, craft show along with raffle, bake sale, thrift sale, and food. Along with some on-line sales that people continue to offer to do for us. Any ideas are welcome as we continue on this journey.
Please continue to pray and share our story to help make the impossible possible!
There are new flavors added, so check it out!
Brianna squeezes in a new batch before or after work.
She has lots of helpers
and volunteers.
Thrift sale bake sale at the Quinells
Thank you Pat for the syrup.
Thrift sale bake sale at our house
Getting ready for a sale at Jeremy's
Even Caleb is trying to help bring home his new Auntie.
Coming up this summer are still a few more bake sales, thrift sales( as we continue to get in donations for items to sell), recycling cans, Taste of Louisiana Dinner along with raffle, craft show along with raffle, bake sale, thrift sale, and food. Along with some on-line sales that people continue to offer to do for us. Any ideas are welcome as we continue on this journey.
Please continue to pray and share our story to help make the impossible possible!